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August 12, 2020

Hong Kong Update—Autonomy and National Security

Please join our panelists for a discussion of China’s national security law and Hong Kong’s autonomy, the delayed legislative elections, and the state of the pro-democracy movement. 

Play Anti-government protesters at a demonstration, protect themselves with umbrellas among tear gas near Central Government Complex in Hong Kong

September 4, 2019

Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Protests, With Jerome A. Cohen

Jerome A. Cohen, adjunct senior fellow for Asia Studies at CFR, discusses with James M. Lindsay the recent protests throughout Hong Kong.

Podcast Students in Hong Kong protest the extradition bill.

August 14, 2019

Hong Kong
Hong Kong Protests

Jerome A. Cohen discusses the escalating protests in Hong Kong and the response from China’s mainland authorities.


May 29, 2020

Hong Kong
Is Hong Kong Still Autonomous? What to Know About China’s New Laws

Beijing’s new national security legislation could effectively end Hong Kong’s promised semiautonomy.

June 13, 2019

Elections in Guatemala, Protests in Hong Kong, and More

Guatemalans vote, Hong Kong protesters face violent reprisals, and Americans prepare for extreme weather at the onset of fire season.

Podcast Protesters hold signs following a day of violence in Hong Kong.