1,907 Results for:

August 24, 2017

Zimbabwe Grotesques

In what is hopefully the twilight of the Mugabe regime, one weird episode follows another. On August 14, President Robert Mugabe publicly bragged that the murderers of twelve white farmers in Zimbabw…


April 13, 2016

United States
Banging Your Head Against A Wall: China Shrugs at U.S. Criticism of Censorship

Lincoln Davidson is a research associate for Asia Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. Last week, the U.S. government claimed that the Chinese government’s Internet censorship system, colloq…

China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei asks journalists for questions during a news conference in Beijing July 7, 2011. Hong largely avoided commenting on U.S. claims that online censorship is a barrier to trade. (David Gray/Reuters)

September 29, 2015

Human Rights
The Sandinistas Attack the Miskito Indians--Again

The hostility between the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua and the Miskito Indians of Nicaragua’s Atlantic Coast was sharp during the 1980s, and many Indians joined the contra effort against that regim…

January 28, 2013

Why China Hands Think What They Think

These days, China books are a dime a dozen and so, too, are China analysts. Journalists, scholars, businesspeople, general foreign policy analysts, and random people living in Beijing all have someth…

My First Trip to China. Kin-Ming Liu. http://www.musemag.hk/musestore/product.php?id=60