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September 20, 2010

Fossil Fuels
Do The Oil Sands Have a "Carbon Opportunity Cost"?

Joe Romm attacks Lindsey Graham in a post yesterday for Senator Graham’s comments about the Canadian oil/tar sands. Set aside Romm’s broader critique – like him, I find Graham’s claim that oil sands …

December 29, 2015

World Outlook for 2016

Surging fears of terrorism, chaos in the Middle East, tensions in Asia, and the slowing Chinese economy suggest a challenging year lies ahead for global leaders, says CFR’s James M. Lindsay.

September 30, 2020

A Conversation With Chairman Adam Schiff

Chairman Adam Schiff discusses American intelligence capabilities, the future of great power competition with China, and the role of Congress in pursuing U.S. foreign policy objectives.

Play Chairman Adam Schiff in front of U.S. flag looking down

April 23, 2010

Fossil Fuels
In Memoriam: The "Linked Fee"

Oh, “linked fee”, we hardly knew you. For the last few months, conventional wisdom held that the Kerry-Lieberman-Graham climate bill, due out next Monday, would tackle emissions from transportation i…

January 29, 2016

Elections and Voting
Campaign 2016 Friday Foreign Policy Roundup: The White Whale of American Politics

Polls show that national security has shot up the list of concerns for voters, and especially for Republicans. That has spurred talk that 2016 could provide something we haven’t seen in a while, if e…

Vote 2016 01-29