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December 4, 2019

Trump Is Happy to Seem Weak Next to Erdogan

The benefits of their personal relationship are clear for the Turkish president. But the U.S. president has his reasons, too.

U.S. President Donald Trump greets Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan during a joint news conference at the White House in Washington, U.S., November 13, 2019.

July 25, 2016

United States
The Presidential Candidates: In Their Own Words

This regularly updated guide features transcripts from the Republican and Democratic presidential debates as well as select foreign policy speeches, op-eds, and interviews of the candidates.

January 6, 2017

Cyber Week in Review: January 6, 2017

Happy New Year! Here is a quick round-up of this week’s technology headlines and related stories you may have missed: 1. Reactions to the Russian sanctions. Over the holidays, the Obama administrati…

November 20, 2015

Elections and Voting
Campaign 2016 Foreign Policy Roundup: Reactions to the Paris Attacks

The horrifying terrorist attacks in Paris last Friday have pushed foreign policy to the forefront of the campaign debate—at least for now. Republicans and Democrats split on the wisdom of accepting S…


March 11, 2008

Iraq, Afghanistan, and the U.S. Economy

Estimates of the total long-term economic costs of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars vary wildly and remain hotly disputed among experts.