465 Results for:

September 12, 2003

Albright: Inflexible U.S. Policy Could Spur Iran to Accelerate Nuclear Arms Program

David Albright, president of the Institute for Science and International Security and a former weapons inspector at the United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), says Iran is s…

June 5, 2024

Leslie H. Gelb Memorial Event: Common Sense and Strategy in Foreign Policy

David E. Sanger discusses U.S. rivalry with the other two great nuclear powers—Xi Jinping’s China and Vladimir Putin’s Russia—the choices that lie ahead, and what is at stake for the United States an…

Play David E. Sanger speaking on stage.

May 28, 2024

Climate Change
Daughters and Sons Guest Event: From Image to Action—Raising Climate Awareness

Using visual mediums and narratives, an artist and a documentary producer discuss the urgent challenges of climate change and what it will take to solve the climate crisis through science, the power …

Play Fishermen row a boat in the algae filled Chaohu Lake in Hefei, Anhui province in China.

February 8, 2024

United States
The U.S. Vice President and Foreign Policy

Modern vice presidents can trace much of their political influence to the broad reforms that Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale made to the second-highest elected office in the late 1970s.


June 17, 2024

CFR Fellows' Book Launch Series: Lost Decade—The U.S. Pivot to Asia and the Rise of Chinese Power

Lost Decade is an essential guide for understanding the historic shift to Asia-centric geopolitics and its implications for the United States’ present and future. More than a decade on, Robert D. …

Play A 100 yuan banknote is placed beside a U.S. 100 dollar banknote.

May 2, 2012

U.S.-Turkey Relations

Turkey is a rising regional and global power facing, as is the United States, the challenges of political transitions in the Middle East, bloodshed in Syria, and Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons. As…

September 20, 2012

Iran’s Nuclear Program and the Red Line

Though Iran might be capable of making a nuclear weapon soon, whether it has decided to is up for debate and calls into question the pressure for immediate military action, says expert David Albright.