198 Results for:

October 14, 2009

Solving the Syrian Puzzle

CFR’s Mohamad Bazzi says Syria continues to "meddle" in the business of many states in the Mideast but could be a useful partner for the United States in the region.

December 15, 2014

United States
The Senate Torture Report’s Global Ramifications

The executive summary of the report released this week by the Senate Intelligence Committee on the Central Intelligence Agency’s brutal detention interrogation practices after 9/11 offers the most da…

us embassy london

September 16, 2013

Obama’s October Trip to Asia

The White House last week confirmed that President Obama will be traveling to Southeast Asia between October 6 and 12. He will visit Indonesia, Brunei, the Philippines, and Malaysia. In all of these…

U.S. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama greet Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor as they arrive at the opening dinner of the APEC Leaders Summit in Honolulu, Hawaii on November 12, 2011. President Obama will be visiting Malaysia in October 2013. (Jim Young/Courtesy Reuters)

August 5, 2010

Defusing Lebanon’s Powder Keg

Lebanon faces new sectarian violence, and tensions along its border with Israel threaten to boil over. CFR’s Mohamad Bazzi says to help avert conflict, Washington must eventually engage with the most…

April 30, 2020

Assessing the Early Response to Beijing’s Pandemic Diplomacy

Responses to China’s post-COVID overtures are largely falling along pre-existing political fault lines.

Wang Yi speaks during a news conference after a meeting of foreign ministers of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China.