3,581 Results for:

June 14, 2023

United States
Happy Birthday to the U.S. Army!

The U.S. Army turns 248 years old today.


March 7, 2008

Luers: Possible Solution for U.S.-Iran Nuclear Standoff

William Luers, former U.S. envoy to Venezuela and Czechoslovakia, discusses his proposed multilateral nuclear-enrichment plan, which he believes could end the current Iranian nuclear crisis.

February 21, 2006

Uganda’s Presidential Elections

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni’s decision to run for a third term in the February 23 presidential election—which he is expected to win—the imprisonment of his main political rival, and the festeri…

April 4, 2024

Series on Emerging Technology, U.S. Foreign Policy, and World Order: A Conversation With Patrick P. Gelsinger of Intel

Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger discusses developments in the tech industry, implications of geopolitical conflicts on global trade, and leadership lessons learned.

Play Intel CEO Gelsinger

November 9, 2020

Human Trafficking
The Global Health Crisis and Human Trafficking Are Correlated–But How?

This post is part of the Council on Foreign Relations’ blog series on human trafficking, in which CFR fellows and other leading experts assess new approaches to improve U.S. and global efforts to cur…

Women at a Textile Mill