3,581 Results for:

October 13, 2023

United States
Happy 248th Birthday, U.S. Navy!

The U.S. Navy marks 248 years of service.

Navy ship

June 1, 2006

NATO’s Afghan Expansion

As NATO prepares to expand its mission into the restive southern provinces of Afghanistan, Lt. Gen. David Barno, the former commander of U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan, speaks to CFR.org’s …

July 31, 2014

Wars and Conflict
TWE Remembers: World War I Poetry

“I think that I shall never see / A poem as lovely as a tree.” Most Americans know the opening lines of the poem “Trees” by Joyce Kilmer. What they probably don’t know is that Kilmer was a war hero—t…


February 23, 2009

Arms Industries and Trade
Helping Mexico Help Itself

Brazen assassinations, kidnappings, and political intimidation by drug lords conjure up images of Colombia in the early 1990s. Yet today it is Mexico that is being engulfed by escalating violence, an…

November 20, 2015

Middle East and North Africa
The UAE Model for Arab Women

Combating ISIS and Islamist terrorism more generally requires bullets and bombs, but it requires far more--including changing the social practices that have marginalized so many Arabs in their own co…