477 Results for:

July 15, 2014

What Does Indonesia’s Election Standoff Mean for Indonesia’s Next President?

As I have previously blogged, unless Prabowo Subianto is able to steal four to six million votes in the days before the official vote tally is released, an unlikely possibility, Jakarta governor Joko…


October 16, 2020

Election 2020
Campaign Foreign Policy Roundup: What to Do About Afghanistan?

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential contenders are saying about foreign policy. This week: how Donald Trump and Joe Biden say the United States should deal with Afghanistan


April 13, 2012

Immigration and Migration
Why the Summit of the Americas Matters

The sixth Summit of the Americas on April 14-15 is part of an intense spring of bilateral and regional interactions in the hemisphere. It will bring together thirty-three heads of state from nearly e…

Summit of the Americas- LAM

September 18, 2014

United States
This Week: Mobilizing to Counter ISIS

Significant Developments Syria. French President Francois Hollande announced today that France would provide military support, including airstrikes, against ISIS in Iraq. On Monday, Australia, Germa…

Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh, the Kingdom's grand mufti, prays during the funeral of the Saudi woman and her daughter who were killed in Chad, at the Grand Mosque in Riyadh February 6, 2008 (Jarekji/Courtesy Reuters).