477 Results for:

October 1, 2009

Podcast: Regional Diplomacy on the Honduran Crisis

The de facto leader of Honduras, Roberto Micheletti, declared a state of emergency on Monday, September 28, the latest in the political crisis that began with the ousting of President Manuel Zelaya i…

April 12, 2023

Censorship and Freedom of Expression
Silencing the Messenger: Global Threats to Press Freedom

Freedom of the press is under attack around the globe, but for journalists in Latin America in particular, reporting has become a matter of life and death. Populist leaders in the region have consoli…

Podcast Person holds a candles in front of a sign that reads #PressFreedom.

August 30, 2023

Petro’s Total Peace Plan Turns One: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Petro’s peace plan is neither a total failure nor a total success, for now.

Photo of Colombian Government and ELN Negotiators

January 5, 2023

U.S. Congress
The 118th U.S. Congress, North American Leaders’ Summit, China Reopens, and More

The 118th U.S. Congress gets off to a rocky start; U.S. President Joe Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador meet in Mexico City for the tent…

Podcast South Korea seeks Chinese national missing from COVID-19 quarantine

September 22, 2014

Colombian President Santos on the Peace Process, Social Policies, and Economic Growth

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos joins CFR Co-Chairman Carla A. Hills to discuss his goals for Colombia in the next four years.


October 10, 2006

Playing Monopoly with the Devil

Read an excerpt of Playing Monopoly with the Devil. Why should a developing country surrender its power to create money by adopting an international currency as its own? This comprehensive book ex…