346 Results for:

June 26, 2018

Technology and Innovation
The Future of U.S. Data Privacy After the GDPR

Panelists discuss implications of the GDPR for U.S. businesses and the future of federal privacy regulation in the United States.

Play The Future of U.S. Data Privacy After the GDPR

May 9, 2019

Politics and Government
Leading Organizational Change for Diversity and Inclusion

ZARATE: Welcome to the Council on Foreign Relations. Great group. What a—what a great crowd. This is the opening plenary of this important conference on leading organizational change for diversity an…

Play Leading Organizational Change for Diversity and Inclusion Panel

February 6, 2015

Middle East and North Africa
"Calling Out" Iran

The Obama administration is about to issue its formal "National Security Strategy," but recent testimony by the new Deputy Secretary of State Anthony Blinken actually gives deep insight into what tha…

September 6, 2017

Could the Private Sector Build Its Own Classified Information Sharing Network?

Despite private sector enthusiasm, any segregated network to share classified information to mitigate cyber threats would require U.S. government involvement.

NYC blackout

May 9, 2019

Middle East and North Africa
Blacklisting the Muslim Brotherhood: What to Know

Naming the diffuse movement a foreign terrorist organization could stretch the blacklist’s purpose and complicate the work of diplomats in the Middle East and North Africa.

Members of the Muslim Brotherhood are tried in Cairo on charges related to demonstrations against President Mohammed Morsi’s ouster.