598 Results for:

June 20, 2016

Monetary Policy
A Bit More on Chinese, Belgian and Saudi Custodial Holdings

Marc Chandler asked why I chose to attribute Belgium’s holdings to China rather than any of the other potential candidates—notably the Gulf and Russia. The answer for Russia is pretty straightforwar…

Saudi Arabia

March 2, 2008

Financial Markets
Worth less, not worthless

I am glad Mr. Buffet clarified that. Project out last weeks trends for very long and there might be a bit of doubt. Mr. Soros wasn’t as kind. ""The dollar is a terribly flawed currency"Nor, for th…

September 17, 2010

Climate Change
The UN Doesn’t Understand Climate Change

A set of background papers (PDF) written for a high-level UN off-site in August was posted last week by Fox News (hat tip: Colum Lynch). Among them is one (prepared by the Climate Change Support Team…

January 28, 2008

If the UK wants to increase financial transparency …

Gordon Brown argues that the ’transparency deficit" in the global financial system needs to be corrected. I have a couple of specific suggestions for UK policy makers looking to flesh out the Prime M…

February 4, 2005

United States
Foreign Affairs Publishes Comprehensive Volume on the War on Terror Essays Cover Roots of September 11 to Ongoing Struggle Around the World

February 4, 2005—Foreign Affairs Books is releasing the most ambitious collection of writings to date about America’s war on terror. In Understanding the War on Terror, editors James F. Hoge Jr. and …