598 Results for:

October 30, 2006

Financial Markets
Can David Rosenberg out-Roubini Roubini?

Nouriel “If you are going to be a bear, might as well be a grizzy” Roubini has a bit of competition.  Merrill’s David Rosenberg now puts the odds of a recession at up to 80% “HSBC, US Bank ... now pe…

September 23, 2011

Defense and Security
Friday File: Arms Sales to Taiwan

Five F-16 jets fly in formation. (Ho New/courtesy Reuters) Above the Fold. The Palestinian statehood bid is not the only issue the Obama administration has been struggling with this week. On Wednesd…

Five U.S. Air Force F-16

April 21, 2008

Financial Markets
Not all that sophisticated

Back in 2005, Ragu Rajan warned that the banks were taking on the hard-to-sell leftovers from the securitization process. As a result, he argued that the banks were becoming less liquid – and that t…

February 29, 2016

HBO What To Do About Afghanistan

Experts assess the current situation in Afghanistan, analyze U.S. involvement, and offer policy options moving forward.

Play RTX2139A_Anil-Usyan_1.jpg

August 5, 2020

Race and Ethnicity
“Viral Convergence”: Interconnected Pandemics as Portal to Racial Justice

In this piece (which is part of a special Just Security “Racing National Security” symposium), Catherine Powell argues that the COVID-19 pandemic has provided a window into the pandemics of policing,…

Black Lives Matter Rally