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February 25, 2015

White House Summit Embraces Women’s Rights to Counter Violent Extremism

Last week, the White House sponsored an international summit on strategies to counter violent extremism (CVE), focusing on groups such as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and al-Qaeda. Amon…


January 12, 2016

Middle East and North Africa
The State of the Union Address: Resources From CFR and Foreign Affairs

As President Barack Obama prepares to deliver his seventh and final State of the Union Address on Tuesday, January 12, 2016, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Foreign Affairs offer resources…

October 15, 2010

Welcome! hoş geldiniz! !أهلا وسهلا! ברוכים הבאים

Welcome to my blog. I hope the site will be a forum for readers who share my passionate interest in all things Middle East. Sometimes I will post longer pieces (400-600 words) and, at other times…

From the Potomac to the Euphrates

March 1, 2021

Nigeria Security Tracker Weekly Update: February 20–26

This update represents violence in Nigeria and related to Boko Haram in Cameroon, Chad, and Niger from February 20 to February 26, 2021.

Map of Nigeria shaded in red to reflect Nigeria Security Tracker-documented deaths per state. Borno state, the northeastern-most state, is dark red, while the rest of the country are shades of pink. Regions of Cameroon, Chad, and Niger that have experienced Boko Haram-related violence are also shaded.

January 5, 2015

Killing “The Death of Sykes-Picot”

Happy New Year! Devoted readers of this blog will know that I generally loathe the annual end- and beginning-of-the-year roundups, lists, retrospectives, and prognostications. “Lame” is the only way …

Killing The Death of Sykes-Picot_2