7,327 Results for:

June 14, 2018

U.S. Moves Forward with China Tariffs and the UN Scrambles to Avert Deeper Crisis in Yemen

The White House moves forward with tariffs on Chinese imports, the UN Security Council meets to discuss the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, and World Refugee Day is marked around the world.

Podcast Child at site of air strike in Saada, Yemen

July 20, 2009

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Negotiating With a Troubled Iran

Mark Fitzpatrick, a nonproliferation policy expert on Iran, says the chance exists that in the aftermath of Iran’s disputed presidential election, a "new need for legitimacy could make it more willin…

December 13, 2018

Protesters Return to the Streets in Paris, and Afghan Peace Talks Resume

The world marks the thirtieth anniversary of the Lockerbie bombing, Yellow Vests protesters take to the streets of Paris for the fifth weekend in a row, and Pakistan’s foreign minister visits Afghani…

Podcast A Yellow Vests protester throws a tear gas canister in Nantes, France.

July 2, 2015

The World Next Week: July 2, 2015

U.S. lawmakers push to revive the Export-Import Bank; Greece holds a referendum over bailout terms; and the UK marks 10 years since the July 7 terrorist attacks.


February 13, 2014

The World Next Week: Februrary 13, 2014

President Barack Obama travels to Mexico; talks on Iran's nuclear program resume; and Kosovo marks the sixth anniversary of its independence.
