2,317 Results for:

May 23, 2005

Five myths (or half truths) about China and the renminbi

China’s exchange rate peg has attracted a lot of attention recently, in the market, among the public and in the press. (also here, here and many other places)Alas, too much of the commentary seems t…

May 6, 2008

Financial Markets
Saudi Arabia to implement an IMF style fiscal austerity program with oil at $120?

Oil is trading above $120. Saudi Arabia exports more oil than anyone else.     It isn’t unrealistic to think the Saudis oil export revenue could approach $400 billion a year if oil stays above $120…

December 13, 2018

India and the World: Fueling a New Low-Carbon Growth Model

Samir Saran is the President of the Observer Research Foundation. Aparajit Pandey is the Program Director for Climate, Energy, and Resources Program at the Oberver Research Foundation. As leaders …

Workers clean photovoltaic panels inside a solar power plant in Gujarat, India.

January 10, 2005

United States
Apparently, like budget deficits, trade deficits do not matter anymore

Kevin Drum brought the latest National Review "trade deficits do not matter" article to my attention today. I learned a few things, namely that Steven Roach is part of a media misinformation campaig…

February 17, 2017

Why Did China’s 2016 Current Account Surplus Fall?

Few policies are less liked than China’s 2015/2016 credit-driven stimulus. Even people like me who worried that slamming the brakes on credit, in the absence of more fundamental reforms to lower Chin…

Why Did China’s 2016 Current Account Surplus Fall?