1,489 Results for:

January 20, 2012

United States
The Attack on NGOs in Egypt

Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, the head of the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), speaks in Cairo November 22, 2011. (Courtesy REUTERS/Middle East News Agency (MENA) Eleven m…

Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, the head of the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), speaks in Cairo November 22, 2011.

September 11, 2015

Who Is Pope Francis?

Experts discuss the leadership style, psychology, personality, and policies of Pope Francis ahead of his upcoming visit to the United States.

Play RTX1QPF7_EC.jpg

April 19, 2017

The Role of Religion in Indonesian Democracy

Jakob Tobing, Alwi Shihab, Azyumardi Azra, and Amin Abdullah discuss the role of religion in Indonesian democracy. 


February 14, 2023

Ukraine: Conflict at the Crossroads of Europe and Russia

Ukraine’s Westward drift since independence has been countered by the sometimes violent tug of Russia, felt most recently with Putin’s 2022 invasion.

An anti-government protester sits on a monument during clashes with riot police in Kyiv on February 20, 2014.