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December 4, 2014

Thailand’s Royal Succession Battle Comes Into (Slightly) More Open View

This post is part of a series on Thai leadership. The past ten years of political turmoil in Thailand have revolved around several contentious challenges. A growing, politically empowered, and vocal…


December 5, 2017

Zimbabwe Cabinet Appointments Disappoint

Friends of Zimbabwe hoped that President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s cabinet appointments would signal a shift away from the tyranny of deposed president Robert Mugabe. Instead, Mnangagwa’s appointments have signaled continuity, not change.


April 5, 2022

Religion and Conflict Resolution

Lisa Sharland, senior fellow and director of the Protecting Civilians in Conflict program at the Stimson Center, and Sukhsimranjit Singh, the Judge Danny Weinstein managing director of the Straus Ins…

Play Religion and Conflict Resolution

July 10, 2018

Trump’s Misguided Attack on European Unity

Trump's antipathy toward the EU overlooks America’s enduring interest in a united Europe that can serve as one pillar of an open, rule-bound international system.

Former Secretary of State George C. Marshall urging the prompt ratification of the North Atlantic Military Alliance, speaking on the second anniversary of his address at Harvard University in which he outlined the Marshall Plan for the economic recovery of Europe.

June 28, 2018

United States
What’s Worth Reading This Summer?

CFR.org editor Bob McMahon and I recorded our annual summer reading episode of CFR’s “The World Next Week” podcast. Carlos Lozada, the nonfiction book critic at the Washington Post, joined us for the…

summer reading 2018