1,489 Results for:

October 13, 2011

Capital Flows
Eurozone Bank Deposits Are Fleeing for Germany

The eurozone leadership is finally coming around to accepting that a major continent-wide bank recapitalization program is necessary.  Germany wants each country to take care of its own banks.  T…

PIGS vs. German Bank Deposits

December 17, 2012

Are Egypt’s Officers Muslim Brothers?

Over the last three weeks as Egypt lurched through yet another political crisis, a variety of observers have wondered what the military might do as Egyptians have faced off against each other over Pr…

RTR36RXR cropped

December 19, 2013

Some Background for the Khobragade Case

Since the arrest last Thursday of India’s acting consul general in New York, Devyani Khobragade, U.S.-India relations have hit turbulent waters. Dr. Khobragade has been charged in the Southern Distri…

Supporters of Rashtrawadi Shiv Sena, a Hindu hardline group, shout anti-U.S. slogans during a protest near the U.S. embassy in New Delhi

August 13, 2012

Middle East and North Africa
Morsi’s Tests: Hamas and Sinai

Egypt’s president, Mohammed Morsi, acted with unexpected energy and speed to remove the top ranks of Egypt’s military this weekend. But he has not yet disclosed what his policy will be toward the lin…

Rafah crossing

February 8, 2019

Southeast Asia
Thailand’s Election Season Gets Even Wilder

In the run-up to Thailand’s elections on March 24, Thailand’s ruling junta initially seemed to have set the stage for the military and its allies to maintain power, one way or another, over the count…
