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August 29, 2017

United States
Why Battles Over Memory Rage On

Protests over the removal of Confederate monuments show that the U.S. Civil War’s emancipatory purpose remains contested a century and a half later.

A Louisville, Kentucky, monument to a Confederate officer vandalized in August.

August 17, 2011

International Organizations
Nation. Meet Susan Rice.

Nation. Meet Susan Rice. On Monday night, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations was on the Colbert Report. She used typical  UN sovereignty-stealing trickery—like logic and nuance—to “explain”…

April 15, 2016

Elections and Voting
Campaign 2016 Friday Foreign Policy Roundup: Democratic Debate Highlights Three Critical Foreign Policy Lessons

Foreign policy came up a fair bit in last night’s Democratic debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. We have seen the general thrust of their exchanges many times before. Clinton touted he…


May 13, 2008

Era of U.S. Hegemony in Latin America is Over, Says CFR Task Force

Contact: Aerica Kennedy, CFR Communications, 202-518-3448, [email protected]"Latin America is not Washington’s to lose; nor is it Washington’s to save," finds a CFR-sponsored Independent Task Force. "…

May 28, 2014

United States
Obama at West Point: He Likes Ike

Twelve years ago, having already decided on a course of war with Iraq, President George W. Bush traveled to the U.S. Military Academy on June 1, 2002, to announce a new doctrine of unilateral “preemp…
