1,995 Results for:

October 20, 2022

Saudi Arabia
‘Davos of the Desert’, Ukraine’s Reconstruction, U.S. Chip Restrictions, and More

Investors and high-ranking officials land in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for the Future Investment Initiative, dubbed the ‘Davos of the Desert;’ the German Group of Seven (G7) presidency and the European C…

Podcast A view shows a destroyed theatre building in Mariupol

June 8, 2023

Southeast Asia
The U.S. Is Losing Ground to China in Southeast Asia

China’s economic rise in Southeast Asia may have been unstoppable, but Washington has done itself no favors in the competition for economic influence.

U.S. President Joe Biden shakes hands with ASEAN leaders.

September 27, 2006

What is the most important price in the world economy?

Dollar/ oil?The ten-year Treasury rate?The S&P 500?European policy rates?The fed funds rate?The RMB/ dollar? At an on-the-record event at the Council on Foreign Relations this morning, Martin Wolf im…

January 24, 2007

Corporate profits likely up by more in China than in the US …

OK, we don’t know how much corporate profits increased  But 29% increase in China’s corporate tax revenues in 2006 tops the 22.2% y/y increase in US corporate tax revenues so far FY 2007  … I thi…

May 14, 2009

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Netanyahu-Obama Meeting: Don’t Expect Confrontation

Martin Indyk, a former U.S. ambassador to Israel, says it’s unlikely that the first meeting between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will lead to sharp disagreements but …