99 Results for:

March 22, 2017

U.S. Should Increase Its Strategic Commitment to the Arctic, Says CFR Task Force

“The United States, through Alaska, is a significant Arctic nation with strategic, economic, and scientific interests,” asserts a new Council on Foreign Relations-sponsored (CFR) Independent Task For…

November 14, 2014

Cyber Week in Review: November 14, 2014

Here is a quick round-up of this week’s technology headlines and related stories you may have missed: President Obama strongly recommended the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopt net ne…

U.S. President Barack Obama announces venture capitalist Tom Wheeler (R) to head the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) at the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, on May 1, 2013. (Jason Reed/Courtesy Reuters)

May 25, 2018

United States
Remembering Those Memorial Day Honors

The United States has fought twelve major wars and a countless number of smaller skirmishes in its history. Memorial Day is how we honor the soldiers, sailors, airmen, airwomen, and marines who did n…

memorial day 2018

November 10, 2016

The United States Marine Corps Celebrates Its 241st Birthday Today

The Marine Corps turns 241 years-old today. On November 10, 1775, the Continental Congress adopted a resolution to create a Marine force composed of two battalions. Since then, the Marines have been …

U.S. Marines from Fox Company, 2nd Battalion 1st Marines, 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit run for cover during a non-live fire MOUT training at US Marine Corps: Marines Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms

November 12, 2019

Distinguished Voices Series With Ted Koppel

Ted Koppel discusses his distinguished career and the changing nature of journalism and social media. The Distinguished Voices Series focuses particular attention on the contributions made by a pr…

Play Distinguished Voices Series With Ted Koppel