990 Results for:

September 29, 2005

United States
Budget and Current Account Deficits Jeopardize U.S. Influence, Warns Council Special Report

Hurricane Costs Exacerbate Problem and Underscore Need to Curtail Government Spending and Raise Tax RevenuesSeptember 29, 2005—The United States must confront the alarmingly high federal budget and c…

February 4, 2011

Politics and Government
Friday File: Revolution and Reaction

Riot police clash with protesters in Cairo. (Goran Tomasevic/courtesy Reuters) Above the Fold. This week’s crackdown on anti-government protesters in Egypt makes clear that President Hosni Mubarak—o…

Riot police clash with protesters in Cairo January 26, 2011.

January 13, 2015

Military Operations
Guest Post: Obama’s Legacy-Troop Reductions or Drone Strikes?

Amelia M. Wolf is a research associate in the Center for Preventive Action and the International Institutions and Global Governance Program at the Council on Foreign Relations. In its latest edition…

Drone 2015 image

April 12, 2012

United States
U.S. Foreign Policy and Inflated Threats

On February 15, General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the House Armed Services Committee: “I can’t impress upon you that in my personal military judgment, formed over th…

Martin Dempsey

October 21, 2014

Human Rights
The Future of Human Dignity—and Human Rights

For decades the global debate over human rights has been a dialogue of the deaf. This interminable argument pits advocates of civil and political rights against proponents of economic and social righ…

A Roma boy pumps water in the slum of Tiszavasvari, east of Budapest, Hungary, on September 26, 2014.

July 12, 2017

China in Africa

China has become Africa’s largest trade partner and has greatly expanded its economic ties to the continent, but its growing activities there have raised questions about its noninterference policy.  …

Workers from China and Burkina Faso employed by Sinohydro standing on back of truck driven by chinese workers.