1,242 Results for:

February 17, 2012

United States
You Might Have Missed: Al-Qaeda, Post-Qaddafi Libya, and the Interrupters

“The Nutrition Puzzle: Why Do So Many People in Poor Countries Eat So Badly—And What Can Be Done About It?” The Economist, February 18, 2012. Even where there is enough food, people do not seem…

Libya aftermath

October 30, 2019

Election 2020
Meet Bill Weld, Republican Presidential Candidate

Update: Bill Weld announced on March 18, 2020, that he was ending his campaign.  Bill Weld was the first Republican to officially announce he would challenge Donald Trump for the Republican presid…

Bill Weld

June 27, 2006

Maternal and Child Health
Maternal Health and Foreign Policy Symposium, Session 2: Finding Solutions

Watch panelists discuss possible policies to improve the state of maternal health both in the United States and abroad.


February 21, 2022

United States
TWE Celebrates Presidents’ Day

TWE’s annual essay about the United States’ commanders-in-chief.

The Oval Office arranged for the new President Joe Biden on January 21, 2021.

March 28, 2003

Defense and Security
Council Launches Task Force on Emergency Responders Former Senator Warren Rudman Chairs Project; Former White House Terrorism Czar Richard Clarke to Spearhead

Former Senator Warren Rudman Chairs Project; Former White House Terrorism Czar Richard Clarke to Spearhead March 27, 2003 - To deal with the continuing terrorist threat and increased risks of th…