992 Results for:

July 11, 2016

Improving U.S. Anticorruption Policy in Nigeria

Introduction Corruption is endemic in Nigeria. It drains billions of dollars a year from Africa’s largest economy and most populous country. Systemic corruption also undermines Nigeria’s ability t…

Improving U.S. Anticorruption Policy in Nigeria header

April 2, 2018

“China Steps Out: Beijing’s Major Power Engagement with the Developing World”: A Review

Hunter Marston is a senior research assistant at the Brookings Institution, where he works in the Center for East Asia Policy Studies and for The India Project. You can follow him on Twitter @hmarsto…

Nairobi terminus_6.1.2017

February 1, 2010

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Al-Qaeda’s Financial Pressures

Financial pressures have weakened al-Qaeda’s tactical abilities, but analysts say affiliated networks are finding new ways to raise and spend money, complicating efforts to squeeze a savvy foe.

January 14, 2015

The Futile Effort to Determine When a Cyber Incident Becomes an Armed Attack

Alex Grigsby is the assistant director for the Digital and Cyberspace Policy program at the Council on Foreign Relations.  As Adam mentioned the other day, the Sony hack highlighted the fact that ev…

Armed Attack HFAC Cyber CFR Net Politics

November 9, 2016

United States
The President’s (Economic) Inbox

The election of Donald Trump creates extraordinary uncertainty about the future course of U.S. economic policy. Markets don’t like extreme unknowns, and there are valid reasons to fear that Trump’s p…