992 Results for:

August 10, 2016

A Game of Inches: The Uncertain Fight Against Corruption in Latin America

Harvard’s inimitable Matthew Stephenson this week published a thought-provoking blog post comparing anticorruption efforts in Asia and Latin America. Crudely summarizing Stephenson’s argument, a few …

A Game of Inches The Uncertain Fight Against Corruption in Latin America - LAM

March 10, 2011

United States
Obama’s Guantanamo Shift

With his new executive order on Guantanamo, President Obama acknowledges that the controversial detention center will remain open for some time, says CFR’s Matthew Waxman, but provides improved prote…

September 8, 2010

A Cautionary Note on Iran

Though a new IAEA report adds to concerns about Iran’s nuclear program and U.S. opposition to the program is warranted, there’s no clear proof that the country is pursuing weapons or would act bellig…

October 22, 2014

The Future of Guantanamo Bay

Council on Foreign Relations 10/22/14 Academic Conference Call on The Future of Guantanamo Bay with Matthew Waxman


November 15, 2009

United States
Obama ’Straddling Debate’ on Prosecuting 9/11 Prisoners

The Obama administration’s decision to try accused 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed in New York but other accused terrorists by military commission will revive debate over Guantanamo Bay and the…