1,528 Results for:

March 6, 2012

The President Degrades the Debate on Iran

At his news conference today President Obama was asked about the debate over Iran’s nuclear weapons program. The context, of course, is the AIPAC Policy Conference at which he and a number of other A…

May 4, 2018

United Kingdom
British Foreign Policy Post Brexit

As the United Kingdom moves closer to an exit from the European Union, questions remain about how Brexit will influence Britain’s role on the world stage.

Play Anti-Brexit protesters wear masks and wave flags during a demonstration in front of the Houses of Parliament in London

June 9, 2014

Debating the Legal Gray Areas in the War on Terrorism

Kenneth Roth of Human Rights Watch, CFR's Matthew C. Waxman, and James D. Zirin, host of Conversations in the Digital Age, join Fordham University's Karen J. Greenberg to discuss national security, c…


October 9, 2015

Unfinished Business: Strengthening Our National Security by Investing in the Infrastructure of Care

The United States’ failure to create an infrastructure of care that provides quality and affordable childcare is a matter of national security. This is one of the many compelling points I heard Anne-…

Slaughter, president of the New America Foundation, speaks during the fifth annual Washington Ideas Forum at the Newseum in Washington

October 22, 2016

Weekend Reading: Libyan Music, Gazan Tunnels, and Moroccan Politics

Reading selections for the weekend of October 22, 2016.
