1,528 Results for:

January 25, 2017

Open Questions about Latin American Relations During the Trump Administration

We know very little about who will run Western Hemisphere affairs under the Trump administration. So far, the only named appointees are Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly and National Security Co…

U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto walk out after finishing a press conference at the Los Pinos residence in Mexico City, Mexico, August 31, 2016 (Reuters/Henry Romero).

June 8, 2011

The Targeted Killings Debate

U.S. drone strikes and "kill/capture" missions against al-Qaeda operatives, particularly in Pakistan and Yemen, have gained new attention and notoriety this spring. Four experts debate the legality a…

December 15, 2016

Latin America’s Wide-Open Electoral Season

Half of the eighteen nations of Central and South America will hold presidential elections over the next two years.[1] The number of elections is not unprecedented, but the degree of uncertainty is, …

July 28, 2016 (Reuters/Guadalupe Pardo).

February 13, 2013

International Organizations
The G20: Prospects and Challenges for Global Governance

Yesterday I got to debate the role of the Group of Twenty (G20) in global governance with some heavyweight thinkers at CFR’s New York offices. The on-the-record discussion, moderated by Anne-Marie Sl…

Russia's President Vladimir Putin speaks during his annual state of the nation address at the Kremlin in Moscow

April 14, 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa
Where Are Nigeria’s Chibok School Girls?

April 14 marks the one-year anniversary of the kidnapping of more than 200 school girls waiting to take their high school final exams at Chibok in Borno state. Three weeks after the kidnapping Abubak…
