1,528 Results for:

October 31, 2012

Elections and Voting
The Candidates on the United Nations

President Obama is generally supportive of the UN mission while raising questions about its effectiveness, but GOP candidate Mitt Romney is harshly critical of the organization.

August 7, 2020

Nuclear Weapons
Five Movies Worth Watching About the Threat of Nuclear War

Each Friday this summer, we suggest foreign-policy-themed movies worth watching. This week: films examining the risks of nuclear weapons.

Movie posters clockwise from the top left: Thirteen Days/Rotten Tomatoes; Crimson Tide/Amazon; Fail Safe/IMDB; Colossus: The Forbin Project/TMDB; On the Beach/CineMaterial; WarGames/Amazon; Miracle Mile/YouTube.

February 13, 2018

United States
Walking Away From World Order: Weighing Trump’s First Year of Foreign Policy

“Nobody really knew what to expect when Donald Trump became U.S. president. Would he disrupt the status quo or maintain it? Blow himself up or escape unscathed? One year in, the answer is yes,” write…

FA MA 2018 Cover

October 28, 2016

How Venezuela Got Into This Mess

[This post was co-authored with John Polga-Hecimovich*] By the end of 2017, the Venezuelan economy will likely be less than three-quarters of its 2013 size. Inflation is set to increase from 700 p…


March 14, 2011

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Do Americans Want Obama to Do More on Libya?

Protesters sits atop a wall during anti-Qaddafi demonstrations on March 14, 2011. (Suhaib Salem/courtesy Reuters) The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, which under the leadership of An…

Protesters sits atop a wall during anti-Qaddafi demonstrations on March 14, 2011.