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November 18, 2016

This Week in Markets and Democracy: Duterte Targets Critic, China’s Trade Ambitions, FCPA Uncertainty

Philippines’ Duterte Tries to Take Down Critic Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte brooks no dissent. His latest backlash is against one of his most outspoken critics, Senator Leila de Lima. After…

A police officer from the SWAT team stands guard during an anti-drugs operation in Mandaluyong, Metro Manila in the Philippines, November 12, 2016 (Reuters/Erik De Castro).

August 1, 2018

Can Nigeria Be Saved? The G57 Thinks So

The G57 is a nonpartisan group of fifty-seven successful Nigerian professionals from every corner of Nigeria and around the globe. The combination of democracy and a productive economy is what Nigeria needs to stabilize and to lead African stability and growth into the future.


December 5, 2014

Guest Post: Latin America, Energy Matrices, and the Future of Climate Change

This is a guest post by Matthew Michaelides, an intern here at the Council on Foreign Relations who works with me in the Latin America program. This week world leaders meet in Lima, Peru to discus…

March 22, 2017

Brazil’s Brewing Trade Debate

Brazil is in the midst of a grand debate on its future in the global economy. The debate has been happening behind the scenes, obfuscated by the fireworks of the Lava Jato corruption scandal, oversha…

March 10, 2017

Immigration and Migration
Five Facts about Bad Hombres and Border Security

The new administration has emphasized the need to curb security threats from Latin America: bad hombres, rapist Mexicans, and the wall are among the wrenching rhetorical symbols that President Trump …

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