1,226 Results for:

August 29, 2013

Legitimacy of Intervention in Syria: Three Things to Know

Any external military intervention in Syria in response to government use of chemical weapons will require persuasive arguments to prove legitimacy, says CFR’s Matthew Waxman.

January 24, 2012

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Limits of EU’s Iranian Oil Embargo

The European Union’s embargo on Iranian oil may bring Iran to the negotiating table but is unlikely to halt its controversial nuclear program, says CFR’s Matthew Kroenig.

November 10, 2021

U.S. Foreign Policy
TWE Book and Film Recommendations

Looking for something to read or watch? Here is a list of all the books and films recommended on The Water’s Edge.


May 10, 2013

Intervention in Syria: Three Things to Know

Secretary of State John Kerry said the United States will hold the Syrian government accountable for the use of chemical weapons on civilians. CFR’s Matthew C. Waxman highlights three sets of conside…

February 16, 2024

United States
Election 2024: Donald Trump Says He Will Not Protect “Delinquent” NATO Members

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential contenders are saying about foreign policy. This Week: The forty-fifth president says he will encourage Russia to attack NATO countries who don’t spend en…

Trump Photo