3,246 Results for:

June 21, 2019

Election 2020
Issue Guide: The First 2020 Democratic Presidential Debates

The Democratic field could touch on a number of foreign policy issues, from climate change to Iran, during its first prime-time sparring session.

Veteran holds U.S. flag as Sen. Elizabeth Warren speaks on campaign trail.

April 27, 2020

Immigration and Migration
Trump’s Latest Immigration Restrictions Are Ill-Advised—and Un-American

Immigration benefits the United States while hewing to the nation's founding principles. 

Mexican immigrants cast shadows on a striped National Institute of Migration (INM) building in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

September 11, 2009

United States

In a typical post-war recession, recovery would be well under way after twenty-one months. This time around, all that has emerged is limited optimism over ‘green shoots.’ Although conditions in fin…


September 9, 2021

Boko Haram Capture of Military Equipment Fuels Lake Chad Insurgency

A new report shows that the quantities of lethal materiel seized by Boko Haram from state stockpiles are astonishingly high, and the range of weapon systems lost is worryingly extensive. The diversion of contingent-owned equipment (COE)—that is, government-owned materiel—from the four Lake Chad Basin countries participating in and alongside the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) has occurred on a level unprecedented on the African continent.

Two solders crouch on one knee, one with an assault rifle pointed forward, the other with his rifle aimed at the ground. Behind them is a Toyota pickup truck with a mounted gun in the back, with another soldier manning the gun.

October 2, 2008

A Conversation with Manouchehr Mottaki

Watch Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Manouchehr Mottaki discuss U.S.-Iran relations, as well as the roles of power and responsibility in international relations.
