134 Results for:

December 13, 2007

Financial Markets
Euro-yuan-dollar diplomacy

Europe to China: Please do not buy any more euros.EU economic and monetary affairs commissioner Joaquin Almunia said China should not take any steps to increase its euro reserves at the moment.  Aske…

March 25, 2008

Monetary Policy
Record reserves, Record reserve growth, record reserve currency angst -

Over the past several weeks: Thailand’s reserves topped $100b. Thailand, lest anyone forget, basically ran out of cash reserves back in 1997 (counting its forward commitments) - sending a clear …

August 12, 2005

United States
The June trade data. Changes in relative prices do matter

The June trade deficit -- $58.8 billion -- was a bit bigger than the market expected, and quite a bit bigger than the May deficit ($55.4 b).   Annualized, it works out to a $706 billion trade deficit…

April 16, 2008

Blog envy: on Europe, the G-7 and the Fed

Paul Krugman (who hardly needs a plug from me), Macro Man and Steve Waldman (of interfluidity) have all written posts that I wish I had written. Krugman elegantly shows that a lot of American stereo…

April 4, 2007

United States
The income balance — the new driver of the US current accout deficit?

Many analysts believe – extrapolating from the q4 data and the stabilization of the non-oil trade deficit – that the US current account deficit has peaked.  Stephen Jen is the most prominent example,…
