134 Results for:

November 17, 2006

Monetary Policy
The world, in a single graph

Actually, this post should be titled “everything I think I know about the world, in a single graph.”   The following graph combines various measures of dollar reserve growth with data on the overa…


January 12, 2006

United States
US November trade data

$64.2 billion is not $68.1 billion.   But it is still kind of large.   Another $65 billion deficit in December, and the annual trade deficit will reach $726 billion.   That works out to a fourth quar…

October 28, 2015

Emerging Markets
Currency Crises in Emerging Markets

Projected capital outflows are placing pressure on the currencies of some of the world most dynamic emerging markets. 

Currency exchange in Istanbul

June 21, 2007

Financial Markets
Yes, Virginia, exchange rates do matter (JPY edition)

The yen depreciates.   Against the dollar, bien sur.   But especially against the euro and other European currencies.    Guess what happens?Japanese exports to Europe rose by nearly 18% (y/y) in May…

December 12, 2006

United States
Trade deficit seems to have stabilized, at least if oil stays at its current levels

I don’t think the deficit stabilized just because of the headline fall in the trade deficit.   The deficit is down $9.6b from its August peak largely because the US oil import bill has fallen by $7.6…
