134 Results for:

November 21, 2005

Keith Bradsher demolishes the myth that China is a great market for American goods

The money quote in Bradsher's article in last Friday's New York Times comes from Matthew Crabbe: "The only US-produced items that I can think exist in large quantities in China are dollars bills." …

July 18, 2005

If your reserves are growing by $300 billion a year

China indicated its reserves have increased to $711 billion at the end of June -- up $101 billion from the end of December 2004. Actually, they are up more than that. China transferred $15 billion …

September 12, 2007

United States
A savings glut, not an investment drought -

So argues Ben Bernanke.   His basic argument is very simple.  The emerging world now has a large and growing current account surplus that finances a large and growing current account defic…

November 1, 2006

Financial Markets
The club of puzzled dollar bears grows bigger

I am – and probably always will be – a big Robert Rubin fan.  In my view, 100 bills with Rubin's signature should trade at a premium, not a discount.But Rubin doens seem to be as good a currency trad…

November 20, 2007

Financial Markets
A little too late …

China's premier,  Wen Jiabao, has joined the chorus voicing concern about the dollar's recent weakness.   Cheng Siwei comments two weeks ago seem to reflect rather widespread worries among China's to…