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February 5, 2020

Mexico’s Lopez Obrador Is Stoking Corruption, Not Fighting It

His shady associates and wrongheaded policies are making a bad problem worse.

A demonstrator holds a sign during a march against Mexico's president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador as he delivers his first state of the union in Mexico City, Mexico, September 1, 2019. The sign reads, "#AMLO traitor. Liar. Corrupt. Narco-state".

May 17, 2010

Prospects for U.S.-Mexico Relations

On May 14th I was a panelist at a Woodrow Wilson Center Mexico Institute event that examined President Calderón’s state visit to Washington. We discussed Mexico’s recovery from the economic crisis, …


July 9, 2018

Mexico’s Next Crisis Will Arrive From the South

Central American migration may prove the new administration’s biggest first challenge.

Central American migrants disembark from a freight train as they walk on a railway track after stopping the train on a rail line, in Irapuato, Guanajuato state, Mexico April 15, 2018.

March 11, 2019

Lopez Obrador Is Dismantling Democracy in Mexico

His concentration of power in an already strong presidency bodes ill for civil society and fragile institutions.

Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador gestures during a news conference at National Palace in Mexico City, Mexico December 26, 2018.

September 10, 2021

Women and Women's Rights
Women This Week: Abortion Decriminalized in Mexico

Welcome to “Women Around the World: This Week,” a series that highlights noteworthy news related to women and U.S. foreign policy. This week’s post covers September 3 to September 10.  

Women hang up a banner that says "Abortion in Coahuila is no longer a crime" following the Mexican Supreme Court ruling that decriminalized abortion.