1,335 Results for:

April 7, 2015

Conflict Prevention
Guest Post: Stuck Between Maduro and a Hard Place

Brian Garrett-Glaser is an intern in the Center for Preventive Action at the Council on Foreign Relations. Venezuela is experiencing a protracted political and economic crisis that is likely to wors…

Venezuela Maduro edited

January 31, 2017

United States
Ending the South Sudan Civil War: A Conversation with Kate Almquist Knopf

Kate Almquist Knopf, director of the Africa Center for Strategic Studies at the National Defense University, is the author of a recent Center for Preventive Action report on Ending South Sudan’s Civi…


January 30, 2017

Fifteen Questions Trump Should Answer About His “Safe Zones”

Yesterday, the White House released the readout of a call between President Donald Trump and the King of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud. The statement featured this remarkable statement: …

Trump at dod

March 13, 2015

Guest Post: U.S. Interest in Tunisia’s Successful Democratic Transition

Brian Garrett-Glaser is an intern in the Center for Preventive Action at the Council on Foreign Relations. Tunisia’s transition to inclusive democracy is not a fait accompli. Despite holding success…

Tunisia GRaph

February 13, 2015

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Guest Post: The Unknown Limits of Synthetic Biology

Helia Ighani is a research associate in the Center for Preventive Action at the Council on Foreign Relations. Since 2001, major metropolitan cities have increasingly conducted gas and chemical attac…

Synthetic Bio