1,335 Results for:

November 3, 2016

United States
Five Ways Trump’s Foreign Policy Would Be a Disaster

I have a new column today on Foreign Policy—“Trump Is Less Hawkish Than Hillary. Who Cares?”—which summarizes my evaluation of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s foreign-policy positions. I have publ…


October 10, 2016

United States
What Threats or Conflicts Will Emerge or Escalate in 2017?

In last night’s presidential debate, it took little time for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to bring up the self-proclaimed Islamic State. Responding to moderator Anderson Cooper’s qu…


April 3, 2015

United States
Yemen: The Worst Reason for War

The excellent New York Times journalists David K. Kirkpatrick and Kareem Fahim have an article tacking stock of the nine-day old Saudi-led air campaign against Houthi and Houthi-affiliated fighting f…

Yemen Airstrikes

August 16, 2016

Defense and Security
Reviewing the Pentagon’s ISIS Body Counts

Four months after President Obama pledged to the nation in September 2014 “we will degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL,” reporters challenged Pentagon spokesperson Rear Adm. John Kirby about his asse…

Air strike