4,964 Results for:

May 25, 2023

Middle East and North Africa
The Arab League

Founded as a loose confederation of states in 1945, the Arab League has struggled to overcome dysfunction and disunity among its members.

Flag of Arab League member states accompany the league's seal

March 19, 2024

Grand Strategy
A New U.S. Grand Strategy: The Case for U.S. Retrenchment Overseas, With Stephen Wertheim

Stephen Wertheim, a senior fellow in the American Statecraft Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss whether and where the United States …

Podcast Members of South Korea's Army Special Warfare Command prepare to parachute during their military exercise with U.S. Special Operations Command in Gwangju, South Korea, on March 14, 2024.

June 21, 2006

United States
So, is Michael Mandel right? Did intangible income (dark matter) ride to the rescue in the first quarter, offsetting rising US debt?

As Michael Mandel has noted, the US income balance improved in the first quarter – contrary to the expectations of “pessimists” like me.  I would say “realists” – rising debt usually implies rising i…


April 21, 2017

Climate Change and the Evolving Arctic

Charles F. Doran, Sherri Goodman, Katherine Hardin, and Ronald LaBrec discuss climate change and the evolving arctic. 

Play The Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker Henry Larsen is pictured in Allen Bay in Resolute, Nunavut August 25, 2010. The operation is an annual joint Arctic exercise between the Canadian Maritime Command and Coast Guard. REUTERS/Chris Wattie

December 3, 2015

Yanzhong Huang: China’s New Rhetoric at COP21

China’s public rhetoric about international climate policy has changed dramatically since the 2009 UN summit in Copenhagen, write Yanzhong Huang, senior fellow for Global Health, and Research Associa…

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech for the opening day of the World Climate Change Conference 2015 (COP21) at Le Bourget, near Paris