5,010 Results for:

March 14, 2024

Russia’s Gloomy ‘Elections’, U.S. Budget Divisions, Elton John-Bernie Taupin Awarded, and More

Russia holds its presidential election with the Kremlin aiming to orchestrate a sweeping endorsement of President Vladimir Putin; the U.S. Congress continues its partisan battles over the 2024 budget…

Podcast People walk past a cardboard cut-out of President Vladimir Putin displayed in a souvenir shop ahead of the upcoming elections for the President of Russia on March 14, 2024 in Moscow, Russia.

October 9, 2023

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The Conflict in the Middle East

CFR President Michael Froman leads a town hall discussion with CFR Fellows and members on the current crisis in the Middle East.

Play Missles clashing on October 8, 2023

March 21, 2024

United States
CFR Welcomes Steven Bennett as Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) welcomes Steven Bennett as executive vice president and chief administrative officer, where he will work on strategic, financial, and management issues. Bennett…

April 2, 2024

United States
CFR Launches RealEcon Initiative to Reimagine American Economic Leadership

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) announces the launch of RealEcon: Reimagining American Economic Leadership, an initiative to assess the role of the United States in the international economy, …

December 9, 2015

Alyssa Ayres: India at Paris - Working with a Rising India

India’s status as a large developing country and a major emitter complicates its position at the Paris climate talks, writes Alyssa Ayres in this guest blog post, but there are signs that its delegat…

December 7, 2015

Climate Change
Molina and Zaelke: Cutting Short-Lived Pollutants Can Give Quick Wins on Warming

Policymakers should look to reductions in potent, short-lived pollutants to reduce warming faster than cuts to carbon dioxide emissions alone, write Nobel Prize-winner Mario Molina and Institute for …

December 5, 2015

Climate Change
John Campbell: Climate Change and Ethnic and Religious Conflict in Nigeria

Climate change is nothing new in northern Nigeria, writes John Campbell, senior fellow for Africa Studies and former U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria, and its influence in local conflicts can already be fe…