75 Results for:

May 22, 2012

Morning Brief: New “Race to the Top” Guidelines

The Department of Education is expected to release new draft regulations for grant proposals for the latest round of Race to the Top funds (Education Week). The new guidelines for receiving one of th…

Teacher Quin Clemons directs students in her seventh grade class in New Orleans, Louisiana (Lee Celano/Courtesy Reuters).

February 5, 2010

India’s Rise: The Role of the Diaspora

My long-standing friendship with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh began when we were both students in Cambridge in the mid-1950s. One personal anecdote in particular underlines dramatically why the Indi…

April 29, 2020

Climate Change
Foreign Affairs Live: Climate Change

Daniel Kurtz-Phelan discusses the May/June 2020 issue of Foreign Affairs magazine with contributors David G. Victor and Rebecca Henderson. The authors focus on topics raised in their articles, includ…

Play An hourglass illustration

October 19, 2009

Grand Strategy
Keynote I: China’s Rise: Strategic Implications for Asia

SIMON TAY: Good morning everyone. I'm Simon Tay. It is my pleasure to be here, and thank you very much Liz and Randy for inviting me. I want to say a few words before I introduce the speaker Aaron …
