418 Results for:

April 30, 2015

The Vietnam War in Forty Quotes

Last month, I did a series of posts commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the arrival of U.S. combat troops in Vietnam on March 8, 1965. Today marks another significant date in the Vietnam War: t…


May 4, 2016

The New Geopolitics of China, India, and Pakistan Keynote Session

Experts discuss U.S. relations with India, China, and Pakistan and will discuss the challenges and opportunities for the United States in light of changing regional geopolitics.

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August 9, 2012

The Crisis in Syria

OPERATOR: I would now like to turn the conference over to Toni Johnson. Ms. Johnson, please begin. TONI JOHNSON: Hello, everyone. Welcome to this Council on Foreign Relations Media Conference call…


December 22, 2010

United States
Assessing Obama’s Foreign Policy at Midterm

President Obama’s foreign policy triumphs so far include getting support for tougher Iran sanctions but there were also missteps in the Middle East and elsewhere, and the failure to restore fiscal st…

June 14, 2010

North Korea
Need For ’Robust’ Tack on North Korea

The Obama administration should mount a more vigorous effort to address North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, says Charles L. (Jack) Pritchard, co-chairman of a new CFR Independent Task Force report.