698 Results for:

September 27, 2012

Defense and Security
Tracking U.S. Citizens’ Deaths by Terrorism

The viral spread of an incomplete and crude—even by YouTube standards—video defaming the Prophet Mohammed led to a spike in anti-American and anti-Western demonstrations throughout the Muslim world. …


October 18, 2011

Fossil Fuels
Can Rick Perry Create 1.2 Million Energy Jobs? Part II

My earlier post regarding Rick Perry’s energy plan appears to have attracted some attention. I want to follow up on one important point. First a recap of what I wrote: “The numbers that Perry and R…

May 23, 2012

Morning Brief: CBO Predicts Recession Under Status Quo

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicts that the “fiscal cliff” of over $500 billion in spending cuts and tax increases scheduled under current law will cause a recession in the fi…

Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf testifies before the "Supercommittee" on Capitol Hill in Washington on September 13, 2011 (Jonathan Ernst/Courtesy Reuters).

March 30, 2012

Defense and Security
Friday File: Obama’s Open Mic Gaffe

Above the Fold. President Obama got himself into hot water this week when he was overhead telling Russian president Dmitri Medvedev he would have “more flexibility” on issues like missile defense aft…


February 22, 2012

Morning Brief: White House to Propose Corporate Tax Reforms

The Obama administration is expected to release its proposal for corporate tax reform today (NYT), including measures that would cut the top statutory rate from 35 to 28 percent, close a host of loop…