260 Results for:

October 12, 2010

A Trip Report: Sudan

Upon their return from Sudan, George Clooney and John Prendergast assess the in-country situation in advance of southern Sudan's independence referendum this January.


March 8, 2010

A Conversation with Desmond Tutu

The CFR Religion and Foreign Policy Initiative connects religious and congregational leaders, scholars, and thinkers with CFR’s resources on U.S. foreign policy and provides a forum for this communit…


April 30, 2019

South Africa
The End of Apartheid in South Africa: The U.S. and UK Policy Perspective

Panelists present firsthand accounts of the end of apartheid in South Africa, specifically the involvement of the United States and Great Britain, and the repercussions of their policies for South Af…

Play The End of Apartheid in South Africa: The U.S. and UK Policy Perspective

November 19, 2009

United States
Foreign Aid, Civilian Capacity, and U.S. National Security

As the Obama administration evaluates the U.S. national security apparatus and the balance between civilian and military resources, join one of Capitol Hill’s most influential voices for a discussion…


June 6, 2011

The AIDS Pandemic at 30 Years: Can it be Stopped?

SETH BERKLEY: So good evening, everybody. My name is Seth Berkley. I'm the president and CEO of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, and I'd like to welcome you to this meeting. First of all,…
