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July 26, 2012

United States
Middle East Matters This Week: Syria Braces for Showdown While Egypt Slowly Forms a Government

Significant Middle East Developments Syria. Fighting raged today in Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, where troops loyal to the regime and rebel fighters prepared for large-scale confrontation. Rebel fo…

 A Free Syrian Army soldier steps on portraits of President Bashar al-Assad at the Bab Al-Salam border crossing to Turkey on July 22, 2012 (Umit Bektas/Courtesy Reuters).

July 12, 2012

United States
Middle East Matters This Week: Syria’s Defections and Diplomacy, Egypt’s Power Struggles

Significant Middle East Developments Syria. UN Security Council members today began discussing a draft resolution on Syria in New York. Russia and the Western nations on the 15-member council have d…

Syria's president Bashar al-Assad meets UN Syria peace envoy Kofi Annan in Damascus on July 9, 2012 (Courtesy Reuters).

December 5, 2014

Sub-Saharan Africa
The Somali Prime Minister Merry-Go-Round

This is a guest post by Alex Dick-Godfrey, Assistant Director, Studies administration for the Council on Foreign Relations Studies Program. Recently, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud organized for th…

Somalia PM

April 11, 2013

United States
Middle East Matters This Week: Egypt, Syria, and Iran

Significant Developments Egypt. An Egyptian Coptic Christian died today from injuries sustained during sectarian violence over the past week, bringing the total number of deaths to eight. Violence e…

Coptic Christians run inside the main cathedral in Cairo as police fire tear gas and Muslims throw rocks and firebombs April 7, 2013 (Waguih/Courtesy Reuters)..

June 12, 2014

United States
This Week: Iraq’s Crisis, Syria’s Gloating, and Israeli-Palestinian Prayers

Significant Developments Iraq. Prime minister Nouri al-Maliki called on parliament today to impose a state of emergency in Iraq, but then failed to convene a quorum needed to approve it. Maliki’s mo…

A burnt vehicle belonging to Iraqi security forces is pictured at a checkpoint in east Mosul, one day after radical Sunni Muslim insurgents seized control of the city, June 11, 2014 (Courtesy Reuters).