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June 5, 2012

United States
TWE Remembers: The Marshall Plan

Most commencement addresses are forgettable. The speaker gives some advice on how to live a productive life, advice that typically means more to the wistful parents in the audience recalling the mist…

lindsay marshall speech 2012 06-05

About CFR

Excerpt: The Marshall Plan

Read an excerpt of The Marshall Plan.

April 9, 2018

THE CHINA MISSION: George Marshall’s Unfinished War, 1945–1947

As the United States courts a trade war with China, a timely new book by Foreign Affairs’ Executive Editor Daniel Kurtz-Phelan illuminates how U.S. policymakers have been vexed by relations with Chin…

The China Mission

February 23, 2005

United States
Monty Python takes on Asian reserve accumulation

This is too good for me not to link to it.Billmon has reduced the Roubini-Setser critique of Bretton Woods 2 down to its essential elements.The Lex column in the Financial Times covers similar ground…