1,563 Results for:

September 5, 2012

Oceans and Seas
The South China Sea and the Law of the Sea

Conflict is simmering in the South China Sea, where China is butting heads with four members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)—Vietnam, the Phillippines, Malaysia, and Brunei (as …

U.S. Secretary of State Clinton speaks with ASEAN Secretary-General Pitsuwan during a meeting at the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta

January 14, 2014

Do Not Run, al-Sisi…Do Not Run

Gamal Mubarak or Omar Suleiman?  Omar Suleiman or Gamal Mubarak?  Not too long ago this was what many Egyptians and virtually any westerner  who had an interest in Egypt  were asking.   Everyone had …


October 21, 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa
The African Internet Governance Forum: Continued Discomfort with Multistakeholderism

This post originally appeared on the Council on Foreign Relations Net Politics Blog and is written by Mailyn Fidler. Mailyn is a Marshall Scholar studying international relations at the University of…

AU Internet Governance

October 20, 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa
The African Internet Governance Forum: Continued Discomfort with Multistakeholderism

Mailyn Fidler is a Marshall Scholar studying international relations at the University of Oxford. You can follow her on Twitter @mailynfidler. This September, African civil society, business, and g…

African Union IGF Cyber Net Politics

April 11, 2015

Conference on Diversity in International Affairs 2015

CFR hosted the third annual Conference on Diversity in International Affairs in collaboration with the Global Access Pipeline (GAP) and the International Career Advancement Program (ICAP) on Apri…