255 Results for:

January 11, 2006

China’s December trade

The most impressive part of China's most recent trade data:  18% y/y growth in December exports.  That pushed China's monthly exports up to $75.4 billion, and laid the basis for a $11 billion monthly…

June 28, 2007

The Economist still isn’t convinced the RMB is undervalued …

Half a trillion dollars apparently doesn't get the respect it used to. Neither the author of last week’s Economics Focus column nor Morgan Stanley’s Stephen Jen think that the Chinese yuan (or RMB) i…


February 2, 2009

Emerging Markets
It wasn’t just the market ...

James Saft of Reuters worries that the crisis will lead to a shift away from the "Davos consensus," especially as the market’s power had pulled so many out of poverty. "the stuff underlying the Da…

December 31, 2005

United States
Some things I got (more or less) right

Unfortunately, this list is a bit shorter than the list of things I got wrong.  Still, I think my crystal ball got a few things right.The rise in China's current account surplus.  I - influenced by M…

July 17, 2006

Financial Markets
If the IMF wants to be relevant in the debate on global rebalancing ….

It needs to be willing to issue yellow—and even red – cards to countries running a balance of payments surplus, not just countries running a deficit. I applaud the IMF’s willingness to criticize …
