324 Results for:

December 9, 2011

Political Movements
Saudis’ New Mideast Challenges

With the upheavals in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia must grapple with a changing political landscape, including Salafis participating in elections, says F. Gregory Gause. At the same time, he says th…

February 18, 2011

Is Bahrain’s Regime Next to Fall?

Bahrain’s security forces are loyal to the Sunni regime, which means the unrest isn’t likely to lead to collapse, says expert F. Gregory Gause III. Still, the protests pose a dilemma for the United S…

June 2, 2011

Political Movements
Yemen Tensions at the Tipping Point

Yemen could be edging toward civil war, particularly if the military gets involved in both sides of the conflict, says Yemen expert Gregory Johnsen, but the United States has limited ability to influ…

November 20, 2014

CFR Special Report: Managing New Threats to Nuclear Stability

The world has entered a second nuclear age shaped by rising nuclear states and military technologies. Gregory Koblentz argues that the United States should work with the other nuclear-armed states to…

September 28, 2022

Saudi Arabia
The Saudi Exception

The U.S.-Saudi relationship is fraught with complications. Saudi Arabia has the largest oil reserves in the world, giving it influence over what Americans pay at the gas pump. At the same time, the k…

Podcast MBS and Biden