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April 1, 2015

Muhammadu Buhari’s Presidential Victory in Nigeria

In a country where elections have routinely been rigged in favor of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) presidential incumbent or his designee, opposition candidate Muhammadu Buhari and his All Progre…

Muhammadu Buhari

March 31, 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa
Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan Concedes to Muhammadu Buhari

International and Nigerian media is reporting that Aviation Minister Osita Chidoka and opposition All Progressives Congress Party spokesman Lai Mohammed state that President Goodluck Jonathan has cal…

Jonathan and Buhari

June 1, 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa
Nigeria President Muhammadu Buhari’s Inauguration Address

In Nigeria’s current circumstances, it is hard to imagine a better inaugural address than the one President Buhari delivered on May 29. It strikes all the right notes. He accepted his new role as an …

Buhari Inaug 2 Edited

June 9, 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa
Muhammadu Buhari Moves Against Boko Haram

The Nigeria Security Tracker shows that Boko Haram activity has escalated over the past two weeks, though it is still below the levels seen before the March elections when there was widespread fighti…

Buhari Chatham

June 4, 2024

A Second Coming?

Among a cross section of Nigerian Christians, support for former US President Donald Trump remains stubbornly strong.  

Former U.S. president Donald Trump prays with pastors

August 24, 2021

Nigeria's President Buhari Argues "Africa's Fight Against Terror is the World's Fight"

Muhammadu Buhari has authored a thoughtful piece about Africa's struggle against terrorism in the Financial Times, his chosen outlet an indication that his audience is international rather than domestic. He observes that with the U.S. departure from Afghanistan, Africa has become the frontline of the “global war on terror”—though, as he says, it was never really global.

A group of men in military uniforms stand at attention around a long desk as Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari gives an address.